Friday, April 6, 2007

Golden Dawn Tarot

I just completed a reading that has taken me almost three months to pull all the cards for. This might seem like a long time for a single reading, but I was doing it in conjunction with the LBRP and a tarot contemplation exercise (that was sometimes successful, sometimes not). The basic structure went like this:
  1. LBRP
  2. Tarot selection and contemplation
  3. Meditation and attention to breath
Sometimes, I would add a relaxation ritual, some yoga, or some exercise from Christopher Hyatt's Undoing Yourself with Energized Meditation and Other Practices. Often, the meditation would be short, or even nonexistent, if the mood wasn't on me. I didn't draw a card everytime that I did the LBRP either- sometimes if I was rushed, I would only get the Banishing Ritual done, and feel like such a hurried time was wrong to pull the card.

The deck was the Golden Dawn Tarot, and I used a reading style right from the booklet that was included with the deck. The reading used no inverted cards, instead relying on a large number of cards to provide context to the cards beside them. The layout is the above image.

The significator that I decided to use (even though the tarot reading style that I had chosen didn't call for one) was The Magician. I chose this because the central question on my mind was whether or not ceremonial magick is the right path for me, and whether it makes sense to pursue it. In the above diagram, I use "0" to indicate the significator card. The rest of the cards fell as follows:

  1. Prince of Wands
  2. 11 Justice
  3. Princess of Wands
  4. 2 High Priestess
  5. 4 Temperance
  6. Four of Pentacles
  7. 17 The Star
  8. 0 The Fool
  9. 9 The Hermit
  10. Three of Cups
  11. Two of Wands
  12. Six of Cups
  13. Three of Wands
  14. Nine of Pentacles
  15. 10 Wheel of Fortune
Card 1 is the Querent (me)
Cards 2 and 3 help describe the Querent's situation and with 1 are the most important in the reading
Cards 4, 8, and 12 represnt the natural course of life
Cards 7, 11, and 15 represent forces outside my control
Cards 13, 9, and 5 represent possibilties for alternate action
Cards 14, 10, and 6 are to assist the Querent in making a decision and represent the future.

What I find really interesting about this is that all the cards seem to point towards a positive outcome. Even the possible negative meanings of the cards seems to be mitigated by the cards around them to produce an overall feeling that this endeavor will be succcessful.

But maybe I'm reading them wrong?

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