Monday, April 16, 2007

Light of Malkuth

I had just come in from a long walk and I sat down before I headed into my ritual space to run through my daily practice. Youtube was on the screen, and I decided to check out the one video posted there about the LBRP (which can be found here). The intonations are very different than how I do mine, and his movements are much more cut-and-dried, whereas mine tend to be more fluid, and sometimes a bit clumsy, by comparison. With this on my mind as I headed into my ritual space, I thought that I might make today an experiment- why not try it his way? After all, this is supposed to be a laboratory, right? So I tried it his way.

It was sort of a disaster.

I was so busy correcting my movements and regulating the intonations, that I would lose the visualizations, which seems to me the whole point of the exercise. Consequently the ten minute meditation afterwords was hell. Concentration shot. No good.

This is rather sad, as I had I pretty fruitful sit-down-and-breathe yesterday. The visualizations were pretty clear (never totally clear) and the breath meditation facilitated a moment of silence where I found myself confronted with a single point from which all things manifest. By that I mean that I registered visually a small point out in the infinity (this was all with my eyes closed) that seemed to be gushing forth- kind of like one of those deep sea volcanoes. Somehow, without knowing it exactly, I perceived that what I was seeing was the physical location of that idea called Malkuth, the place where the light of the Limitless comes down into matter. But, maybe that was just more mind games, who knows? But I got a couple of seconds of quiet. That's what was really impressive.

And then there was today. I spent the entire LBRP trying to correct my motion, and my whole meditation as restless as can be. I think the there is something to be said for doing it (roughtly) the same way every time.

I'll try again tomorrow.

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